Color picker lets users select a color from a predefined palette, specify a color via its hexadecimal value, sample a color, and explore color values to create a custom color variation.
install yarn add @clayui/color-picker version use import ColorPicker from ' @clayui/color-picker ' ;
import { Provider } from '@clayui/core' ;
import ColorPicker from '@clayui/color-picker' ;
import React , { useState } from 'react' ;
import '@clayui/css/lib/css/atlas.css' ;
export default function App ( ) {
const [ customColors , setCustoms ] = useState ( [ '008000' , '00FFFF' , '0000FF' ] ) ;
const [ color , setColor ] = useState ( customColors [ 0 ] ) ;
return (
< Provider spritemap ="/public/icons.svg" >
< div className ="p-4" >
< ColorPicker
colors ={ customColors }
label ="Custom Colors"
name ="colorPicker2"
onChange ={ setColor }
onColorsChange ={ setCustoms }
showHex ={ true }
title ="Custom Colors"
value ={ color }
</ div >
</ Provider >
) ;
Color Picker is delivered in 4 different ways: default colors, custom colors, native and small.
Default colors
: a predefined list of colors to the dropdown that is not allowed to change or manipulate.
Custom colors
: using the
API in conjunction with
enables the user to modify colors and add new ones.
: use the
API when the color picker is being used in a native environment, it changes to the browser default color picker.
: use the
API to size the color picker input to match other small inputs.
We recommend that you review the use cases in the Storybook .
API Reference
ColorPicker ({ active , ariaLabels , colors , defaultActive , defaultValue , disabled , dropDownContainerProps , label , messages , name , onActiveChange , onChange , onColorsChange , onValueChange , predefinedColors , showHex , showPalette , showPredefinedColorsWithCustom , small , splotchTitle , spritemap , title , useNative , value , ... otherProps } : IProps ) => JSX .Element
Parameters Properties active boolean | undefined
Property to define whether the DropDown menu is expanded or not
ariaLabels { selectColor : string; selectionIs : string; } | undefined
= { "selectColor" : "Select a color" , "selectionIs" : "Color selection is {0}" }
Labels for the aria attributes
colors Array < string > | undefined
List of color hex values
defaultActive boolean | undefined
Property to set the default value of active
defaultValue string | undefined
Property to set the default value (uncontrolled).
disabled boolean | undefined
Flag for adding ColorPicker in disabled state
dropDownContainerProps any
Props to add to the DropDown container.
The label describing the collection of colors in the menu
messages { close : string; customColor : string; } | undefined
Message for aria-label
The input attribute for name
Callback function for when active state changes (controlled).
Callback that is called when the value changes (controlled).
onColorsChange (( val : Array < string >) => void ) | undefined
Callback for when the list of colors change
onValueChange (( val : string ) => void ) | undefined
Callback for when the selected color changes
predefinedColors Array < string > | undefined
showHex boolean | undefined
= true
Determines if the hex input should render
showPalette boolean | undefined
= true
Flag for showing and disabling the palette of colors.
This defaults to true
showPredefinedColorsWithCustom boolean | undefined
small boolean | undefined
Flag to indicate if input-group-sm
class should
be applied to ClayInput.Group
splotchTitle string | undefined
The title of the Main Splotch component
spritemap string | undefined
Path to the location of the spritemap resource.
Title to describe the color picker form element
useNative boolean | undefined
Determines if the native color picker should be used
The value property sets the current value (controlled).
Returns Element