Select Box allows users to select multiple options and if needed the ability to reorder selected options.
install yarn add @clayui/form version use import { ClaySelectBox } from ' @clayui/form ' ;
Select Box is exported from the @clayui/form
package, consisting of some low-level utilities that provides the ability to create a Select element with multiple options selectable.
Note: The actual select functionality will not work here due to a pending issue at FormidableLabs/react-live#196 . To see it in action, check out the storybook demo .
import { Provider } from '@clayui/core' ;
import { ClaySelectBox } from '@clayui/form' ;
import React , { useState } from 'react' ;
import '@clayui/css/lib/css/atlas.css' ;
export default function App ( ) {
const [ items , setItems ] = useState ( [
label : 'Reddit' ,
value : 'reddit' ,
} ,
label : 'Slack' ,
value : 'slack' ,
} ,
label : 'Twitter' ,
value : 'twitter' ,
} ,
] ) ;
const [ value , setValue ] = useState ( [ ] ) ;
return (
< Provider spritemap ="/public/icons.svg" >
< div className ="p-4" >
< ClaySelectBox
items ={ items }
label ="In Use"
onItemsChange ={ setItems }
onSelectChange ={ setValue }
value ={ value }
</ div >
</ Provider >
) ;
API Reference
getSelectedIndexes ( items : Array < TItem >, selectedValues : Array < number | string >) => Array < number >
Parameters selectedValues * Array < string | number >
Returns number[]
SelectBox ({ ariaLabels , buttonAlignment , className , disabled , id , items , label , multiple , onItemsChange , onSelectChange , showArrows , size , spritemap , value , ... otherProps } : IProps ) => JSX .Element
Parameters Properties ariaLabels { reorderUp : string; reorderDown : string; } | undefined
= { "reorderDown" : "Reorder Down" , "reorderUp" : "Reorder Up" }
Labels for aria attributes
buttonAlignment "end" | "center" | undefined
= "end"
Aligns the buttons used to reorder items relative to the Select Box.
disabled boolean | undefined
Disables the component.
Items to be displayed in the Select Box.
Label to be displayed above the Select Box.
multiple boolean | undefined
Defines whether the Select Box supports selection of multiple items.
onItemsChange (( items : Array < TItem >) => void ) | undefined
Handler that triggers when the content of the items prop are changed caused by reordering of items.
onSelectChange * ( value : Array < string >) => void
Handler that triggers when a new item is selected.
selectedIndexes Array < number > | undefined
Selected indexes, most commonly used in combination with the Dual Listbox component
Amount of items that can fit inside the both Select Boxes before a scrollbar is introduced.
showArrows boolean | undefined
Defines whether the component should render buttons that allow reordering of items.
value * string | Array < string >
Value of the component.
spritemap string | undefined
Path to the spritemap that Icon should use when referencing symbols.
Returns Element